Thursday, March 29, 2007

Networking in Düsseldorf

People from the standardization group standing outside the Vodafone building in the sun. It's almost summer here...

Monday, March 26, 2007

From one location to another

Where am I and where am I supposed to be?

Staying at the Radisson SAS Media Harbour Hotel for a few days. I'm part of the JSR-290 EG and it's time for a face to face meeting in Düsseldorf.

Needed direction and got it, fast - even though I'm intending to walk instead of drive, to follow the river instead of turning right, to go straight to the red dot instead of following the blue line...

Friday, March 23, 2007


I just joined. I just got hooked...

There's been a lot of buzz on the net around Twitter recently. It seems to be IM broadcasting gone web, phone, IM clients, etc. Definitely interesting.

Haven't found a dedicated J2ME client yet for the service, but I guess it's just a matter of time; a few public APIs exist and there's apparently more in the pipeline.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Anthony Zimmer by Jérôme Salle

Another great French production that I stumbled upon. Anthony Zimmer is a combination of a beautifully captured story, a story that got thriller ambitions, and action - not too much, just enough.

Most of the story takes place at and around the French Riviera. Jérôme Salle has managed to capture exactly what I look for in a movie - great photography, a story that holds together during the whole play, music that's perfectly blended with the visual parts, ... See it.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Mapping the Swedish blogosphere

In swedish.

Bloggfarbrorn Erik Starck på Framtidstanken tyckte det var dags för min blogg att få lite exponering i mediabruset. Jag är dock tveksam till att min blogg innehåller något av intresse för tredje part - jag skriver endast för min egen del, korta minnesanteckningar, tankar.

Nåväl, urpsrunget till pyramiden hittar du här. Om det ska gå att få en bild av den svenska bloggosfären ska de tre bloggarna jag listar nedan följ instruktionerna och bygga vidare på pyramiden.

Kopiera alltså texten nedan om du känner dig träffad av instruktionerna.

— Kopiera ALL text och ALLA länkar nedan —

1. Klistra in texten i ett nytt blogginlägg. Precis innan den kopierade texten skriver du ett kort stycke där berättar om listan och länkar till den bloggaren som lade till dig på listan. Det här är viktigt eftersom det därmed inte skapas duplicerade inlägg. Eftersom någon också lade till dig på listan torde det inte var för mycket begärt att bjuda på en extra inlänk till den personen.

2. Ta listan under “Mina 3 tillägg” från bloggen som lade till dig och lägg till dem under rubriken “Originallistan”. Känn dig fri att ändra länktexten till din egen blogg för att få varierade nyckelord i dina kommande inlänkar.

3. Lägg själv till max 3 st bloggar under “Mina 3 tillägg”

4. Kontakta de som du har lagt till och be dem göra samma sak.

Mina 3 tillägg
Fredrik Wackå
Linda Skugge
Anders Borg, Abiro

Andreas Kristensson
Pelles blogg
Jimmy Höög
Fyra nyanser av brunt
Beta Alfa
Nobel Prize Winner
SEO Sverige - sökmotoroptimering
Code Odyssey Blogg
Rund Kvadrat

— Kopiering slutar här —

Volver by Pedro Almodóvar

Volver is a beautiful portrait painted with the lives of five Spanish women.

Once again a masterpiece from Almodóvar. Rewarded in Cannes 2006 for best script and best actris. What else can you say. He manages to capture life as it is, and even the simplest things in it can become an adventure in one of his creations.

The european DVD (for once) contained extra material worth watching. In the sequence 'Pedro Almodóvar and the Actors' it's extremely interesting to study how Almodóvar in a very gentle manner starts the conversation with the actors gathered around a large table, and then only in a subtle way steers it, trying to let the actors be as free as possible to express their feelings around the way the movie was created and elaborate on their respective roles.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Anders Bergcrantz Kvintett at Jeriko

I keep on finding / being introduced to great jazz music via the Jazz i Malmö forum at Jeriko in Malmö. Anders Bergcrantz and his team consisting of skilled jazz musicians was no exception - another superb jazz session.

Jazz i Malmö on Anders Bergcrantz Kvintett:
Trumpetaren Anders Bergcrantz är utan minsta tvivel en av de absolut bästa jazztrumpetarna i Sverige. I Norden. Ja, även internationellt står han sig oerhört väl. Bergcrantz känsla för tonval, sväng och uppfinningsrika improvisationer gör honom alltid hörvärd, inte minst på scen.
Med sig har Anders Bergcrantz en ypperlig grupp som rymmer idel bekanta musiker med prisade skivor och turnéer i egna namn. Se fram emot en gedigen jazzkväll på toppnivå!
The performance was recorded by the Swedish Radio, P2 channel.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

First thoughts about Second Life

Where am I?
Why am I here?
What am I supposed to do here?

Initial thoughts that popped up in my first life when I entered my Second Life as the curious citizen Gap Nagy. I guess it'll all be clearer after a little exploration. It's almost like someone gives you the chance to start over again. Reset life. Weird.

Angel-A by Luc Besson

Well, seems like Luc Besson has once again delivered, staying true to his artistic self.

Angel-A is a passionate creation from the miraculous Frenchman and his team. This time set in Paris. A miserable man ready to take his life finds his inner self again with the help of the mysterious Angel-A.

It's beautifully captured in black and white. It's art. It's eye candy.